Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hi Friends, am really happy to continue the Issue series since we reached the sheer number of 150 due to your love and my love for GRE.


151. "Schools should be required to teach the essential interconnectedness of all human beings and thus help eliminate wars, cultural clashes, and other forms of conflict."

152. "Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."

153. "All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science."

154. "Patriotic reverence for the history of a nation often does more to impede than to encourage progress."

155. "Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit."

156. "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."

157. "In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field."

158. "Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."

159. "Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition."

160. "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."

161. "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

162. "Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them."

163. "College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market."

164. "Most people think that their deeply held values are the result of rational choice, but reason often has little to do with the way people form values."

165. "In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information."

166. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."

167. "Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."

168. "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."

169. "Although, critics who write about the arts tend to deny the existence of any objective standards for evaluating works of art, they have a responsibility to establish standards by which works of art can be judged."

170. "It is unfortunate but true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's lives."

171. "Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past."

172. "In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."

173. "The pressure to achieve high grades in school seriously limits the quality of learning. An educational environment without grades would promote more genuine intellectual development."

174. "Governments should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people."

175. "For better or worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past."

176. "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

177. "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears."

178. "The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from its own citizens."

179. "All students should be required to take at least one course in ethics, even if taking the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects."

180. "Instant communication systems encourage people to form hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view."

  • Follow the series......

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