Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The Quantitative section can have questions only of these three types. They are :

  • Quantitative Comparisons
  • Problem Solving
  • Data Interpretation

Quantitative Comparisons

It measures your ability to :

  • Determine the relative sizes of two quantities
  • Perceive that not enough information is provided to make such a decision

Problem Solving

Each of the questions GRE Math problem solving is followed by five answer choices. You have to select the best of the answer options given. This tests your :

  • Knowledge of maths involving percentages, simultaneous equations, polygons, probability, etc.
  • Ability to read, understand, and solve problems quickly and accurately.
Data Interpretations

This is the toughest section in GRE Math. Many have poor Math scores because of the high difficulty of Data interpretation GRE questions. Practice with lots of tough DI questions to do get a good GRE Math score. Data interpretation in GRE Math section measures your ability to:

  • Read and interpret data
  • Perform statistical calculations on the data provided

The data interpretation questions in GRE Math usually appear in sets and are based on data presented in tables or graphs.


  1. Quantitative Comparisons
  • Convert algebraic expressions to a standard form
  • Avoid calculations such as how much larger or smaller one quantity is than the other.
  • Do not assume all variables represent positive integers - be aware of negative numbers, fractions, and zero as possible numbers.
  • Geometric figures are not always drawn to scale, so do not make assumptions simply based on the appearance of a figure given

2.Problem Solving

The basic strategies are :
  • Determine what is given and what is being asked
  • Scan options to decide the level of approximation required
  • Avoid long computations
  • Scan all options before answering a question

3.Data Interpretation

The strategies to be adopted are :
  • Look carefully at the data and understand how it is presented
  • Try to make visual comparisons and estimate products and quotients rather than perform computations.
  • For graphs, pay attention to the scales as well as read any accompanying notes
  • Answer questions only on the basis of data given.

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